Announcing our new Head of Research and Development at ACS

Andrew Spencer, Head of Research and Development

The world of manufacturing is constantly evolving, and to stay ahead of our competition, we’ve invested in a dedicated Research and Development (R&D) team to be headed up by Design Engineer, Andrew Spencer. Andrew has been with ACS for over two years and is being promoted into this position as part of our rapid growth strategy.

Appointment of Andrew Spencer

At ACS we take pride in producing the best quality products that outperform others on the market with industry beating lead times and warranties. We’ve achieved this by consistently investing in R&D within our manufacturing facilities in Leeds and by upskilling our talented team to improve product quality and performance.

This continued research helps us identify areas for improvement in ACS and our competitors’ products and work to enhance them. This has led to a higher quality range products that are safer and more sustainable for customers.

Our new R&D team are creating new products by listening to the needs of the construction industry and addressing the challenges, which include a shortage of skilled labour, tight budgets, plus the need to mitigate risk to ensure buildings meet with the constantly evolving regulations. Andrew and his team will also be working with industry innovators and association to input into the wider construction market to improve fire safety, sustainability and much more.

We’ll soon be announcing a new range of Cavity and Masonry Support products that have been called ‘a game changer’ by industry leaders and is exactly what the industry has been calling for.

Watch this space for more details.


Article originally published on 15th February 2023