Coronavirus Update: November 2020


Following yesterday’s announcement made by Boris Johnson and members of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), we would like to reassure our clients that we remain fully operational while taking the appropriate precautions and social distancing as directed.

ACS Stainless Steel continues to work at full capacity through lockdown, delivering the same high level of service and support that we are known for throughout the industry. This includes all types of manufacturing tasks as well as all types of additional support, including technical, specification and sales-based queries.

Thank you for your support throughout the year. A lot has changed in 2020. Our commitment to you has not.

We are here when you need us.

If you require further assistance, please contact your account manager.

General Contact Details

T: 0844 850 0860

Last Updated: 2nd November 2020


Article originally published on 2nd November 2020