Supply Continuation During COVID-19 Outbreak


Recently ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd have been approached by various stakeholders asking about our policy on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it will affect our business. In response the company has released the following statement:

ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd have implemented and continue to adopt all Her Majesty’s Government’s guidelines on how to prevent the contraction and spread of the virus.

ACS wholeheartedly support the government’s and the chief medical officer’s stance of “Flattening the curve” to protect the country’s healthcare system capacity.

The business is constantly monitoring both government and NHS guidance to ensure the safety of our employees, customers, suppliers and the wide community we serve.

As ACS manufactures all our own products in Leeds, Yorkshire – we see no immediate threat to the normal operation of the business at this time.

Our modern manufacturing facility is highly automated and requires a fraction of the staff of traditional manufacturing. All staff are multi-skilled and are very accustomed to carrying out various roles within the business. If staff are absent, other members of staff are trained to carry out their duties. The company remains in as strong a position as any UK based manufacturer could possibly be.

As a precaution, ACS has carried out the following:

  • Ensured adequate holding of raw materials at our head office and satellite sites.
  • Liaised with raw-material suppliers to ensure there is enough product in the UK and is assigned specifically to ACS.
  • Applied a specific health and safety procedure, ensuring all staff are aware of the virus and what to do if they think they may have it.
  • Increased cleaning in ‘shared’ areas – Ensuring any risk of transferring the virus, person to person is reduced.
  • Ceased all non-essential face to face meetings (internal and external).
  • Implemented satellite working for key staff members to ensure the smooth running of the business in any eventuality.
  • Reviewed their ‘Disaster Recovery Plan’ to cover several new scenarios.

ACS does export some of our products, however, these are mainly outside of the EU and although this part of the business may be affected in the future, it will not have a detrimental effect on the business as a whole.

ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd has taken and continues to take every reasonable step necessary to balance the supply needs of their clients and the wider needs of the citizens of the United Kingdom.

If you require further assistance please feel free to contact your account manager

This document will be updated regularly to reflect the current government guidelines

Last Updated: 16.03.2020

Useful Links:

NHS England –

UK Government Response –


Article originally published on 16th March 2020