ACS Masonry Support Achieves First Code for Construction Product Information Mark

We are very excited to announce that ACS Masonry Support has achieved one of only eight Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) marks in the UK.

For anyone who isn’t familiar with CCPI here’s some details to explain their vital work in the construction industry.

‘CCPI was created to promote an urgent and positive culture and behaviour change in the way the construction product manufacturing industry manages and provides information on their products. The CCPI was initiated by the Construction Product Association (CPA) as a direct response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety set up in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.’

ACS provided a detailed submission to allow the organisational and Masonry Support specific product assessment to be carried out by the CCPI. This detailed review covered 11 areas of the business/product to ensure we met or exceeded their requirements.

The CCPI is built around five acid tests so that product information is – CLEAR, ACCURATE, UP-TO-DATE, ACCESSIBLE and UNAMBIGUOUS.

We are very happy to confirm ACS passed both the Organisational Assessment and Masonry Support Product Set Submission verification along with only a handful of other companies in the UK. This continues to demonstrate why we are industry leaders in our commitment to safety and clear product information. Something we actively lobby for across the sector.

On Monday 4th September Simon Matthews, Operations Director and Gareth Twohey, Commercial Director here at ACS, were invited to attend an event in London hosted by the CCPI and with Dame Judith Hackitt in attendance to celebrate this success.

If you want to know more about our CCPI mark or our Masonry Support products, get in touch at


Article originally published on 7th September 2023