People Focus – Meet Simon Matthews, Technical Operations Director


With a background in the Aerospace and Marine Industry, our Technical Operations Director, Simon Matthews brings a fresh perspective to Construction. With a constant eye on the bigger picture he talks to us about his vision for ACS, and how he still gets excited coming into work.

“We strive to offer a world class service”

ACS is a very motivating and inspirational place to work, and it was this element that drove me to leave my previous job which was in a more technical and development background. I’ve been here for three and a half years now moving from technical operations, to business manager to my current role which concentrates on the growth and evolution of the company.

We have so much to offer as a business, really advancing our offerings over the last few years, it makes me incredibly optimistic about what we can further achieve in the next year and beyond to catapult us into the arena I truly believe we deserve to be in – that of industry leaders.

The business successfully balances a mix of colleagues, providing opportunities for people just beginning in the industry who bring with them enthusiasm and great energy, combined with people who have been here for many years bringing an unmatched wealth of experience and deep understanding of the industry. It’s this dynamic mix that imparts an inspiring atmosphere in the company and a buzz that means it’s still exciting coming into work.

My job revolves around strategy, automation and technical processes with a strong eye on the long term vision of the company. I work closely with the directors, I find that one of the benefits of ACS being a family run business is that job roles organically overlap and compliment each other to bring about the best possible results. Our day to day mission is the delivery of systems that make our processes more efficient, we’re all working to that end.

Fine tuning our systems is a constant goal, with our customer always at the forefront of our decision making. When I worked in aerospace we would work on timescales of five- ten years, in this industry it’s much quicker with customers often needing things on site within two-three months. This intrinsic demand means we have to be continually on the ball, and I’m confident that we offer the best in the industry – I think it’s good and healthy to have competitors, it keeps us striving to be the best and triggers us to continually fine tune our processes. It’s this comparison that does, and will continue to set us apart in offering a world class service.

Outside of work you’ll find me and my wife being excellent taxi drivers to our two boys, Oliver (9) and Hugo (6) who are sport crazy – rugby – cricket, football – you name it! I’ve recently signed up to coach some cricket and rugby figuring that I’m there anyway so may as well get a bit of exercise in at the same time.

I’m confident about the future of ACS and the growth we can achieve. We’re on the right trajectory to becoming even more dominant in our field and I look forward to being a part of that journey.



Article originally published on 18th April 2024